Tuesday, February 21, 2017

...Our Worship: To The Team (1)

God has gifted individuals with incredible talents.  Some of these seem to play and sing effortlessly, while others have to work hard to further develop their gifts, and have to practice constantly to reach the desired effect.
You may be one of these types individuals, or you may be somewhere in the middle.  That isn't the point though.
During the worship portions of the church services, it's important to sound good, or at the least tolerable, to the congregation.  If you sound bad, then people lose interest in what you're doing.  But...If you sound good, then those same people realize that you've worked hard to give a quality product.  It is basic Salesmanship, no matter how you dice it.
If the people like your product, then they respond.
If they don't, then you get fired!

The better you sound, the more likely to have others follow you in worship.

So how do we sound good?  Well, there's a rather obvious answer.  We have to practice.

The Bible tells us in Psalms 33:3...

Sing to Him a new song; Play skillfully with a shout of joy

To learn a new song, or play skillfully we must practice.

We must also prepare in other ways as well.  We must spend time on our knees.  And we have to read the Word. Furthermore, it never hurts to fast.  If we don't prepare in these ways as well, then all we do in each service, and in every practice amounts to nothing.

Without a relationship, your praises are hollow, and without any effect.

If you want to visit a friend that you've not spoken in to some time, where do you go?  Do you remember how to get there?  Have they moved to another house?  If you talk to this friend frequently, then you know exactly where they live.
The same thing applies in worship.  The more often you pray, read your Bible, and fast; then the more likely the chance that you have to reaching God's throne room through your worship.  But the key is this...If you don’t know how to get there, how can you lead the church into His presence?

I've told my musicians and praise team several times that I would rather have someone who has a relationship with God, and is anointed by Him, than the greatest musicians and vocalists on Earth.  It doesn’t mean we stop striving for excellence, but it does mean the relationship is key.

When you operate under an anointing in the service, everything you play or sing is taken to the next level.  Suddenly everything sounds almost heavenly.  Why?  Because of the anointing that is upon you.  When God is pleased with your worship; when He knows its authentic; He comes down and blesses you.  Then, He blesses those around you.  That's when He inhabits our praises, and the church is in His presence!

We have to do our part though....we must pray, fast, read the Bible, and practice.  These four things are key to awesome worship!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

His Presence...

Picture this...
It's Sunday morning.  You've over slept and your kids are still in bed too!
There is no way you can make it to the A.M. discipleship classes; also known as Sunday School.  You hope you can get to the church in time for the worship service.  

By the skin of your teeth, you and your family walk into the sanctuary as the Praise Team starts the call to worship.

You get to your seat, situate your family in their seats, and you take a deep breath. Then you look to the stage.  

Now What?

Your day started kind of hectically.   Your blood pressure is up and you are doing all you can to calm down and focus on the service.  The Praise Team is cranking out an upbeat song, and you just can't focus.  You can't seem to get your mind to stop running off on tangents.

The service progresses through that service's set list. You're singing the words, but they seem hollow and distant.

You are suffering from a lifestyle that doesn't promote worship.  Worship isn't just what happens at church, and it's not just a song.  It's a lifestyle that is chosen and lived by people that want more from their relationship with God than the average person.  

The solution...change your habits...change your thoughts...change your intentions.
First, you've got to start with making sure you spend time praying to and worshiping God in your everyday life.  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says this...

16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
What this means is this...in your everyday life celebrate what God has done in your life.  All day long, find ways to give thanks for the things that He has done for you.  The will of God is that you communicate with Him throughout the day.  Now, I skipped a part; praying without ceasing is where you send a prayer to Heaven in conversation form.  By now, most people text their family and friends throughout the day...and all the while you're talking about one or two things.  Praying without ceasing is like texting back and forth with God.  
Next, think on positive things. Don't ponder the things in life that are depressing and downhearted.  Think about the good things, the lovely things, the things that others prove are good.
Then, be intentional about showing God how much you love Him.  Then, on Sunday, it becomes second nature to focus through the stresses of the morning, and do what you've been doing all week long.
But realize this...If you're brave enough to worship the King of all kings, and the Lord of all lords, He will show His love right back to you!
Go worship everyday and spend your time...In His Presence!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Who I am

This is it!  This is the first post!  I am excited to be the one that takes this journey, and brings you along for the ride.  I am looking forward to every post that God gives me.  I hope they bless you, and help you in your walk with God.

But...You don't know me. Some of you may, but most will not.  So, this is who I am.

My name is John Chandler.  I have a beautiful wife, and five adorable kids.  I am employed full time as an OSP-Engineer and am currently doing contract work for AT&T across the Southeast.

But more importantly, I am the Worship Leader and Music Director for the University Highway Church of God in Maplesville, Alabama.

My parents are currently pastoring.  But prior to the call to a pulpit ministry, my parents were the Music Directors for the Pelham Church of God in Pelham, Alabama.  And that is where i will begin...

My mom played the piano and dad would lead the choir.  It was the era of the late eighties, and before praise teams.  When dad wasn't leading the choir, he was playing drums.  This is where i come in.

I would sit beside my dad and watch him play the drums during the services.  Then, one Sunday night, I was about nine or ten, I asked if I could play.  And that was that.  My brother gradually came onto the scene as well, meaning pretty quickly we were sharing the role of the church drummer.

Mom and Dad would also sing together, and my brother and I would again,share the duties to the point of tag teaming between songs, depending on who had practiced it.  Yes, it worked.  However it got old.  I wanted more than a part time drum job.
I picked up a mild interest in the bass guitar.  All my efforts became focused on the bass.  Around thirteen, My parents got me a Fender Jazz bass for Christmas.  I played that guitar all the time and immediately began playing it in church.  I was no longer restricted to using the church's instrument to hone my talent.

After a while, my dad got an interest in acoustic guitars.  Of course I was hooked too.  We began learning simultaneously.  I began to pick out some melodies from songs I knew, and would eventually play some basic lead guitar for church.

I never thought that I was done.  I always knew there was more.

My second year at Alabama CoG Youth Camp, I came face to face with reality, and with the future.  We had "Art Electives" that were mandatory.  The closest to familiarity was to sing in the choir.  I realized through out that week, that the hymns, convention songs, and choruses that we would sing, that my parents would lead, were not all there was.  The songs 'Shout To The Lord' by Hillsong and 'Who Can Satisfy" by Dennis Jernigan, were introduced to me in a way that shook me.  Suddenly I was confronted by songs praising God and they sounded like nothing I had ever heard.  The progressions were not the same as the gospel songs my mom played.  The words were more of a longing, and declaring than the typical testimony style I was used to.
I began looking for more music like this.  And I discovered Rich Mullins, Petra, Newsong, Truth, and more.  I loved the modern worship that was, at that point, in its early years.  My life was changed.

The hymns were okay.  The convention songs seemed hollow.  The choruses were the closest things to what I longed to play and worship to.
Something had changed in me.  I was learning that our focus needs to be on God; not the angels, or Heaven, or our mansion.  We need to praising Him.

Several more years went by and i met the woman of my dreams.  We married on April 22, 2006.  We moved to the state capital of Montgomery.  I worked there and she was still in college there, so it just made sense.  We began attending a church on Prattville, Al called Hunting Ridge CoG.  They were alot more modern in their worship and i loved it!

I was able to join their team of musicians and began playing the bass guitar for the services.  My time there taught so much about modern praise and worship and about how to play it.  I was able to sit under three talented and anointed worship leaders and music directors.  It was truly a blessing.
Again we moved to another city, following my job.  We ended up at the Westwood CoG in Selma, Al.  This was home for my wife, and a second home for me.  I was able to step in and began playing drums there.
One day, while driving home from work, Gid spoke to me.  No, He didnt impress me or tug my heart.  He SPOKE!  I was enjoying the presence of God in my truck.  I was worshipping all alone.  Then He spoke.  I believe it was audible...but if was just in my head, then it was just as clear, just as direct as if was spoken audibly.  This was the second time He spoke to me.  The first time i wondered if i was imagining it, and it wasn't really God.  Je confirmed it was Him by having an evangelist give me a word...the exact, verbatim words He had spoken to me.  When He spoke the second time, i knew His voice!
He said, "Learn to play the piano."  I didn't know what to think, but i knew what to do.  I prayed.  I asked God to teach me the way he had with the drums, bass, and guitar.  I asked Him to mold me into what He wanted.  And He did both.
I began by sitting at the piano and trying a simple song.  God took it from there.  He also put a subtle desire to lead worship.  I feel this was His way of giving me an ultimate destination. 
A few months later, our Pastor and pianist, resigned.  He was leaving dor another church.  Guess what...I became the pianist, and i filled that role there for two years.

Then, God impressed upon my heart that it was time to move on. 

My family and I visited several churches, but we ended up at University Highway CoG.  The members made us feel right at home, and we felt like we had found our new church. 
I was burned out and tired from my time as a musician.  It seemed that i was non stop playing....from one church to the next.  So, i sat in the pew for several months.
Then the pastor asked to meet with me one afternoon.  So I did.
In that meeting we discussed alot of things, but i left there with the offer of being the Music Director and Worship Leader.

I was stunned, but told him we would oray about it.
In my prayer time, God impressed upon me heavily that this was His will.  So i tolk the job.

And after four years, I'm still there, trying to steadily improve the music, and worship experience.

Part of what I want to cover in this blog is how I started, and some of the things I've learned. 

So get ready!  We are preparing to dive into a journey together, that is thirty four years in the making!