Tuesday, February 21, 2017

...Our Worship: To The Team (1)

God has gifted individuals with incredible talents.  Some of these seem to play and sing effortlessly, while others have to work hard to further develop their gifts, and have to practice constantly to reach the desired effect.
You may be one of these types individuals, or you may be somewhere in the middle.  That isn't the point though.
During the worship portions of the church services, it's important to sound good, or at the least tolerable, to the congregation.  If you sound bad, then people lose interest in what you're doing.  But...If you sound good, then those same people realize that you've worked hard to give a quality product.  It is basic Salesmanship, no matter how you dice it.
If the people like your product, then they respond.
If they don't, then you get fired!

The better you sound, the more likely to have others follow you in worship.

So how do we sound good?  Well, there's a rather obvious answer.  We have to practice.

The Bible tells us in Psalms 33:3...

Sing to Him a new song; Play skillfully with a shout of joy

To learn a new song, or play skillfully we must practice.

We must also prepare in other ways as well.  We must spend time on our knees.  And we have to read the Word. Furthermore, it never hurts to fast.  If we don't prepare in these ways as well, then all we do in each service, and in every practice amounts to nothing.

Without a relationship, your praises are hollow, and without any effect.

If you want to visit a friend that you've not spoken in to some time, where do you go?  Do you remember how to get there?  Have they moved to another house?  If you talk to this friend frequently, then you know exactly where they live.
The same thing applies in worship.  The more often you pray, read your Bible, and fast; then the more likely the chance that you have to reaching God's throne room through your worship.  But the key is this...If you don’t know how to get there, how can you lead the church into His presence?

I've told my musicians and praise team several times that I would rather have someone who has a relationship with God, and is anointed by Him, than the greatest musicians and vocalists on Earth.  It doesn’t mean we stop striving for excellence, but it does mean the relationship is key.

When you operate under an anointing in the service, everything you play or sing is taken to the next level.  Suddenly everything sounds almost heavenly.  Why?  Because of the anointing that is upon you.  When God is pleased with your worship; when He knows its authentic; He comes down and blesses you.  Then, He blesses those around you.  That's when He inhabits our praises, and the church is in His presence!

We have to do our part though....we must pray, fast, read the Bible, and practice.  These four things are key to awesome worship!

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