Wednesday, February 15, 2017

His Presence...

Picture this...
It's Sunday morning.  You've over slept and your kids are still in bed too!
There is no way you can make it to the A.M. discipleship classes; also known as Sunday School.  You hope you can get to the church in time for the worship service.  

By the skin of your teeth, you and your family walk into the sanctuary as the Praise Team starts the call to worship.

You get to your seat, situate your family in their seats, and you take a deep breath. Then you look to the stage.  

Now What?

Your day started kind of hectically.   Your blood pressure is up and you are doing all you can to calm down and focus on the service.  The Praise Team is cranking out an upbeat song, and you just can't focus.  You can't seem to get your mind to stop running off on tangents.

The service progresses through that service's set list. You're singing the words, but they seem hollow and distant.

You are suffering from a lifestyle that doesn't promote worship.  Worship isn't just what happens at church, and it's not just a song.  It's a lifestyle that is chosen and lived by people that want more from their relationship with God than the average person.  

The solution...change your habits...change your thoughts...change your intentions.
First, you've got to start with making sure you spend time praying to and worshiping God in your everyday life.  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says this...

16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
What this means is your everyday life celebrate what God has done in your life.  All day long, find ways to give thanks for the things that He has done for you.  The will of God is that you communicate with Him throughout the day.  Now, I skipped a part; praying without ceasing is where you send a prayer to Heaven in conversation form.  By now, most people text their family and friends throughout the day...and all the while you're talking about one or two things.  Praying without ceasing is like texting back and forth with God.  
Next, think on positive things. Don't ponder the things in life that are depressing and downhearted.  Think about the good things, the lovely things, the things that others prove are good.
Then, be intentional about showing God how much you love Him.  Then, on Sunday, it becomes second nature to focus through the stresses of the morning, and do what you've been doing all week long.
But realize this...If you're brave enough to worship the King of all kings, and the Lord of all lords, He will show His love right back to you!
Go worship everyday and spend your time...In His Presence!