"What can wash away my sin? What can make me whole again?
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!
For my pardon this I see, For my cleansing this I plea.
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!
Nothing can for sin atone. Naught of good that I have done.
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!
This is all my hope and peace, This is all my righteousness!
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!
O precious is that flow, that makes me white as snow.
No other fount I know! Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!"
Wow! What a song! The Rev. Robert Lowry felt such passion about the value and importance of the blood that he penned this song with strong and powerful wording!
Only the blood of Jesus Christ can wash our sins away, can make us complete, is able to pardon, and is our hope and righteousness. Only the blood can atone for our sins, and nothing we do can make us righteous. How incredible is it that the weight of these words and the importance of understanding them is the cornerstone of our faith!
A shower with Herbal Essence shampoo and Dove body wash cant cleanse you like being totally submerged in the precious blood of the lamb! Too many times, church goers tend to live like they want to Monday through Saturday. Then, Sunday morning, they come in with their spiritual shoes on and jump, shout, run the aisles (ask your Grand Parents about it), and "work" under the anointing. I'm sorry...God doesn't want that. He wants to submerge you beneath the flow....
Did you catch that? The blood is flowing! That means it's not a standing pool like what we are baptized in. It's a flow. Once you're in it, you move to a new place. You can't get out of the flow where you entered the flow!
When you are sincere in your repentance, God totally submerges you in the flow and you are changed. You don't go back to the things that you used to do, or to where you used to go.
Strive to stay in the flow!
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