Friday, March 17, 2017

Give thanks to the Lord, Our God and King

I recently was able to spend a few hours with my Grandparents.  With work, family, and church keeping me busy, it was nice to surprise them and see them.  I always seem to get too busy with everything that I don't take the time to do the things that need doing.  Sometimes that means the grass goes another week before its cut.  Or, the car goes another couple hundred miles before it goes to the shop for servicing or repairs.  Or, it means I don't spend time with those I love like I should.

It doesn't mean I am lazy, or that those things aren't important.  It's just that work is so demanding and stressful, and preparing for services is also time consuming.


I was thrilled to be with my Grandparents, at their home.  My Grand Dad and I discussed the church, the Bible, and family.  I watched my Grand mother play with my six month old daughter.  The other four kids were running around like chickens with their heads cut off!  But it was a good time.

When I left, I was thinking about how fragile they looked.  I wondered how long we (my family) would have them here on earth.  On March 1, 2017 they had been married for sixty-seven years.  He is getting ready to turn ninety-two, and she is just a few years behind him.  They can still take care of themselves.  My mother goes and gets their groceries and medications for them once a week, and until recently, they still made it to church for every service.  There is a lot to be thankful for in this family...

Thankfulness...that's a word that most don't think about.  It's also a word that describes a singular part of our worship.
We love to sing His praises, to declare that He is the King of all kings, and the Lord of all lords.  We declare what He's done in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

But have we thanked Him?  Have we thanked Him as part of our worship?

How often have we just told God, "Thank You, Lord," and raised our hands while we did so?
I think we don't do it often enough.

Why do I say that?  Because we are all so very busy that we miss the little things He does for us.  We're too busy to look at our past and see where we've come from.  We are just too busy to take the time to look at our families and friends and see how God has used them to encourage us, to pray for us, to sit up with us and talk about the problems we are having.  We are always looking to save some time, or get done faster with our tasks.  We're not looking back to where we were, we're looking ahead to where we want to go.  And the fact of the matter is this, if God doesn't help us get there, most of can walk away without a second look.

I hope this doesn't apply to my readers, but overall...most of the congregants at church are this way.  They may never say it, but it's in their lifestyle.

As worship leaders, we are obliged to examine the things we need to be thankful for, and show the church how to use that thankfulness in worship.  Hearing us give thanks to God might spur a memory in someone and they begin to thank God.  This will spread like wild fire.  Just..."Give thanks to the Lord, our God and King."

I am so very thankful for my family.  God has indeed blessed me with Grandparents, Parents, In-laws, a wife, and five beautiful children.  All of these will pray for me, and I them.  They seek to uplift, to encourage, and to provide insight to what they've read in the Word of God lately.

Thank you, Lord...Thank You for your blessing in my life!

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