Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Surely, the Spirit of The Lord is here; and I didn't know it! (Gen 28)

We have busy lives.  Everything is society is so...complicated, busy, and social.  If we're not reading about a social issue, then we're seeing it on television.  And if it's not in either of those two places, then we see it on social media.  Our busy-ness comes from trying to keep up with what's going on and trying to keep our lives somewhat meaningful.

There is an account of a similar situation in scripture.  You can read the backstory, and  conditions of this mans life, but I will surmise the area of scripture that I want us to focus on...
In Genesis 28, we see the account of Jacob and him dreaming about a ladder that went from the spot he was in, into the heavens.  He tells of angels going up and down.  He wakes from his sleep and makes several statements.  The most noticeable is that the spirit of God is there and he didn't know it, and surely, this is the house of God.

What does that mean?  Jacob was so focused on his situation, his task, and on his night's sleep that he didn't notice the presence of God.
When you come in to church, dont be so lost in getting music ready, on practicing, on setting up Sunday School that you miss the presence of God!  Dont let your service plan and outline be so routine that you miss Gods presence in ypur midst.  God had a calling for Jacob and the vision He gave to Jacob showed some things to him.  

This vision had three aspects that we can learn from.

First of all, God revealed this ladder for a purpose.  Jacob received what God was showing him and responded with an acknowledgement of God's presence. When God communicates with us verbally, in a dream or vision, or by tugging on our hearts; He is doing it for a purpose.  Don't hesitate to declare that God is right there with you!

Secondly, Jacob not only accepted that God was there with him; but he accepted that God was there with him!  What????  Jacob accepted the presence of God.  Then he accepted that God showed him this dream because He was going to use Jacob and even gave him a promise of things to come.  Don't just accept the presence of The Most High....accept what He is trying to show you and tell you as well.  If you only accept His presence, then you will miss out on what He has in store for you!

Thirdly, Jacob was alone, he was on an errand of life changing proportions. His father sent him to find a wife.  He didn't take a host with him, he traveled alone and never got around to putting up a tent.  He gathered a large stone for a pillow and laid under the stars for his time of rest.  In all actuality, it could be said that he may have had very few things with him since he used a stone as a pillow.  So...picture this...a man with little, trying to obey his father, and all alone was approached by God in a dream.  When you feel as though you have nothing; when you're trying to do what is right; when you're all alone, or feel alone...Get ready, God could show up quickly and reveal Himself to you, and give you a promise of things to come.

What we need to take away is this...God is with us and he has a promise for us.  His will is for us to succeed and for us to be blessed!  Also, our worship needs to reflect our acceptance of Gods presence and his will for our lives.  

When you worship, pour out your heart like Jacob did.

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