Friday, March 31, 2017

God Speaks

There is a plumbing problem in your house.  The drain pipes are stopped up and no amount of liquid fire or Liquid Plumber can unclog it.  Your washing machine drains the water into the pipes, but it back flows to the master bathroom tub.
You crawl under the house to get to all the pipes.  You've got mud around you, there are worms crawling in the dirt beside you, and there is an awful stench.
Then it happens...God Speaks.

Sometimes life keeps you busy enough that your focus isn't on God.  While I was under my house trying to fix the problem of my drain, God stirred my mind back to being thankful.  My outlook changed a bit.  Instead of frustration, anger, being ready to either pay someone or sale the house; I took a more calm approach...mostly.  I remembered my tarp, and laid it down to stay out of the mud.  I remembered my knee pads in the car and was able to have a little cushion for my sore joints.  I became grateful that human waste was not the area I was working on and my outlook on the repair changed.  In fact, some would say I "over fixed" the problem.

On the way to the hardware store, God gave me some lyrics to a song I've been working on. A simple chorus, with maybe three main parts...a verse, chorus, and maybe a bridge,  It's nothing fancy, and it may never be sung by any other worship team.  But...It's inspired by God, and it's already blessed me.

God doesn't give us something for us to do nothing with it!  He expects us to use the gift to further His kingdom.  The Holy Spirit is here to lead and guide us, for the purpose of furthering the Kingdom.  After all, if we're not furthering the Kingdom of God, what are we doing?

When He speaks, listen to Him.  Trust me, He knows best.  In all things, praise Him for His goodness and mercies.  However, even the Holy Scripture says in 1 Samuel 15:22 that obedience is better than any sacrifice you may present.  Just...Obey what He says, when He says to do it.  Sometimes, His words to us are encouragement, confirmation, correction, and inspiration.  We need to be able to use what He gives us in each situation; whether it's for your own personal growth or for the edification of the church body.  Trust me, that will become obvious if it isn't right away.

Just..........Be a willing servant, always listening for the voice of God!

God speaks to us in His own way, and in His own timing.  We just have to be ready to receive.

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